Quarantined musicians play and sing from balconies in locked-down Italy

16 March 2020, 17:26

Quarantined musicians play and sing from balconies in locked-down Italy. Picture: Getty

By Maddy Shaw Roberts

You can’t quarantine music – watch as Italy plays and sings from balconies in locked-down cities.

Italy is in lockdown, but that doesn’t stop the music.

Since the country was completely quarantined last week following the coronavirus outbreak, swathes of videos have gone viral across social media in which musicians, singers and music lovers share beautiful performances from their balconies.

Here are some of the best...

  1. On Thursday night, the streets of Siena sounded like this

  2. A lone trumpeter plays across deserted streets in Italy

  3. Singing from the rooftops in Rome...

  4. A guitarist in Pavia, Italy

  5. Puccini from the rooftops of locked-down Florence

  6. Music for the neighbours

  7. One sax-playing music teacher gave hope and joy to the world in a time of uncertainty...

  8. Hang in there, Italy...

  9. ... and thank you for the music.