Fijian rugby league team sing a heartfelt hymn from balconies of quarantine hotel

26 February 2021, 17:18 | Updated: 1 July 2022, 17:18

Fiji rugby league team sing a heartfelt hymn. Picture: Facebook / Costa Argyrous

By Kyle Macdonald

The incredible sound of a hymn of Fiji, as the rugby league players of the Pacific country sing to say thank you to hotel staff.

The Kaiviti Silktails, a semi-professional rugby league team from Fiji, have lifted their voices in a beautiful act of music-making.

After completing 14 days of hotel quarantine in Sydney, Australia ahead of a tournament, the Fijian players wanted to thank the hotel staff that looked after them and kept them safe.

From their balconies, the team sang the hymn Mo Ravi Vei Jisu, with percussive clapping and rich harmony.

And with an amphitheatre-like acoustic to the hotel courtyard, it sounded spectacular. What a beautiful musical gift to those listening.

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The team is in Australia to compete in the Ron Massey Cup, a semi-professional rugby league competition. If their playing is anything like their singing, they should do very well.

Singing is an important part of Fijian rugby union and league. Like many Polynesian countries, communal singing is a big part of daily life in Fiji.

It’s also a great way to promote togetherness and fun within a sports team. Here’s another team singing the same hymn after a game...