This Periodic Table of composers makes music history really, really geeky

10 May 2022, 14:40 | Updated: 10 May 2022, 14:45

By Kyle Macdonald

Bach, Mozart and Mahler, all lined up as if we had all swapped music for chemistry.

Impress your friends with your command of classical composers and musical eras with this mighty display of the elements of classical music history.

Read more: 13 horrifying music notations that will make you want to tear up your sheet music

Take the Periodic Table of chemical elements where individual elements are ordered by their atomic number, electron configurations and properties, sub in composers grouped by coloured musical eras – and you get another level of pseudo/muso-science.

(click here for a larger version)

The Periodic Table of composers. Picture: Tone Deaf Comics

Grouping by era and musical genre is a bit of genius touch to this tabular display and a great way to start conversations, as well as helping understand of the development of, well the most important things, over the centuries.

Thanks to the amazing creators at Tone Deaf Comics for conceiving and making this design. You can get your own copies of the poster here.

They have also made a fantastic follow-up table of women composers. Yay science!

The Periodic Table of women composers. Picture: Tone Deaf Comics

Now you know your Tchaikovksy from your titanium, and your Clara Schumann from you Selenium. We hoped you enjoyed this lesson.