Music teacher caught trying to ‘secretly’ mime along to student’s singing recital

17 May 2021, 14:53

Music teacher caught trying to ‘secretly’ mime along to student’s singing recital. Picture: Classic FM

By Sian Moore

Behind every great singer, there’s a music teacher miming along.

Music recitals can be a nerve-racking situation for even the most seasoned singer.

One super supportive teacher thought she’d cracked how to offer some discreet direction from the back of the room.

Except... it wasn’t quite as discreet as she’d hoped.

As Valentina Korsakova mouthed each syllable back to her student from behind the audience with a healthy dose of oomph, she was hilariously caught on film.

Singing teachers really are the unsung heroes of the classical music world...

Read more: Can you beat your high school music teacher on this classical music quiz?

This wonderful moment was captured during a recital in Moscow. And it’s given us all a good chuckle.

But let’s also send some love to Valentina and all the music teachers out there, who go to weird and wonderful lengths to support their students.

We imagine after that concert, Valentina was just as breathless as her student.