Pregnant mum’s belly moves as baby dances to Beethoven’s ‘Fur Elise’ in the womb

31 March 2021, 14:39 | Updated: 27 February 2024, 22:09

Pregnant mum’s belly moves as baby dances to Beethoven’s ‘Fur Elise’ in the womb. Picture: Rumble Viral

By Sian Moore

A 36-week-old baby hears ‘Für Elise’ in utero, and can’t help but slip on their dancing shoes...

It’s been stipulated for a while that babies in the womb enjoy – nay are positively stimulated by – the sound of classical music.

One study found it the most stirring music genre for foetuses, among whom Mozart appeared to be a firm favourite.

But for this particular music-loving baby, it wasn’t the Classical composer catching their attention, but another legendary maestro... Ludwig van Beethoven.

Watch as mum plays ‘Für Elise’ from a nearby laptop, while baby noticeably shimmies and shakes along to the melody.

Read more: Pianist dad documents daughter’s musical journey from baby to five years old >

You can see the tiny maestro doing little high-kicks and somersaults, as the gentle piano piece plays out.

Beethoven’s music knows no age...

And if you’re after more LVB-loving children, here’s the wonderful moment a toddler was moved to tears by his sister’s interpretation of the ‘Moonlight’ Sonata. *blots cheek*